Thursday, April 25, 2024

EOTO 2: Alternative Media & Citizen Journalism KEY

What is Alternative Media? 
    Alternative media is anything outside of mainstream media that isn’t owned by a corporation or controlled by the government. It (alternative media) isn't any day to day news or media source an individual would typically be recommended or stumble upon. The Oxford Reference extends my definition of alternative media by stating that it is "Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, or online media which are not corporately owned and which circulate political messages felt to be under-represented in ‘mainstream media’ (seen as geared towards maximizing profits and supporting a ‘free-trade’ agenda)." 

Statistics behind Alternative Media? 
    Statistically speaking most Americans have not heard of any "alternative" news sources. This is discussed by the Pew Research Center's The Role Of Alternative Social Media In The News And Information Environmentan article that approaches the statistics behind Alternative Media, who uses it and what is seen on these sources. The PRC demonstrates that less then 44% of Americans have heard of at least one Alternative News Site. They also state that of the 56% who have heard of Alternative Media most users seek out political or government based news sources. The Article also discusses reasons why most users are not completely comfortable with these sources. PRC states that 22% of Alt. Media users feel as though censorship on these sites cannot compare to Big Tech sites and in fact hinders the reliability of these sources to these users. 

Why Should or Shouldn't I work for Alternative Media Sources? 

Natasha Lennard, writer of the Salon,
and writer for the Intercept.
    Natasha Lennard discusses in her article titled Why I Quit the Mainstream Media her main reasons behind "quitting" her job in mainstream media and opening up her own independent blog. Natasha once worked as a freelance reporter for the New York Times and in her article she states that she felt "I-- or any other journalist -- (who) want to express a strong opinion on a political matter, cannot contemporaneously report for a mainstream publication." This issue is one we see brought up a lot as many journalists move from mainstream to independent or alternative media sources. Censorship forced upon these authors frustrates them and causes them to seek other ways to express themselves and their work. So if you as a reporter, journalist, or media producer want more control or creative freedom I recommend working in independent or alternative forms of media. 

But should a consumer choose to tune into Alternative Media over Mainstream media? 
    In my personal opinion I understand a person's choice to choose either Mainstream or Alternative Media, both sources provide different pros and cons when it comes to discovering one's news source or entertainment. Mainstream media has more resources, higher production values, and somewhat helps prevent the spread of misinformation. Alternative Media is more personal, can go against the 'norm', and caters well to its audience and providers. 

What about the consumer who becomes the producer? 
Citizen Journalism is one great example of alternative media provided by the public. Citizen Journalists are able to report on real time events from the perspective of the participants. With the growing population we also begin to see the development of more Citizen Journalists and more people tuning in to what they are saying. It's a personal perspective on events happening right outside their door. 

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