Monday, March 18, 2024

About the Supreme Court

Merchant Exchange Building, New York City, NY.
As an American, after reading this article about the U.S. Supreme Court by, I was able to  both refresh and learn new information about the supreme court. Did you know that the first meeting of the supreme court was going to be held in New York City in the merchant exchange building? Or that their first case, West v. Barnes, was a dispute between a farmer and a family he owed a debt too? It is absolutely remarkable how the U.S. Supreme Court has always been a main fragment of Washington D.C. in my mind and that the cases they took to me would only regard the constitution, so learning about the first case and location of the supreme court was shocking. 

The U.S. Supreme Court originally consisted of six Justice's but has fluctuated from five to ten justices over the years. Each Justice is appointed by the executive branch (president) and confirmed or denied by the legislative branch (senate). They serve full life terms and are meant to fulfill their duty to society for the remainder of their life. I have always found that not having term limits on Justices was a double sided sword. Though not mentioned in the article above I believe that while it limits the amount of outside influences to the Justices (i.e. job offers once they leave) it doesn't reflect the changes that occur in society.

Currently appoint Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Another thing to discuss when talking about the U.S. Supreme Court is the role it takes on in our society. In this video we get to further discuss the importance behind the U.S. Supreme Court. In said video we are informed that the U.S Supreme Court is tasked with interpreting the U.S. Constitution, and as time progresses we begin to see the U.S. Supreme Court as the main and most affluent interpreter. Their interpretations are held in such high regard that even today they very seldom stray from previously set precedent. 

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